WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Top-secret documents from the National
Security Agency and its British counterpart reveal for the first time
how the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom targeted
WikiLeaks and other activist groups with tactics ranging from covert
surveillance to prosecution.
The efforts – detailed in documents provided previously by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden – included a broad campaign of
international pressure aimed not only at WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assange, but at
what the U.S. government calls “the human network
that supports WikiLeaks.” The documents also contain internal
discussions about targeting the file-sharing site Pirate Bay and
hacktivist collectives such as Anonymous.
classified document
from Government Communications Headquarters, Britain’s top spy agency,
shows that GCHQ used its surveillance system to secretly monitor
visitors to a WikiLeaks site. By exploiting its ability to tap into the
fiber-optic cables that make up the backbone of the Internet, the agency
confided to allies in 2012, it was able to collect the IP addresses of
visitors in real time, as well as the search terms that visitors used to
reach the site from search engines like Google.
Another classified document from the U.S. intelligence community,
dated August 2010, recounts how the Obama administration urged foreign
allies to file criminal charges against Assange over the group’s
publication of the Afghanistan war logs.
A third document,
from July 2011, contains a summary of an internal discussion in which
officials from two NSA offices – including the agency’s general counsel
and an arm of its Threat Operations Center – considered designating
WikiLeaks as “a ‘malicious foreign actor’ for the purpose of targeting.”
Such a designation would have allowed the group to be targeted with
extensive electronic surveillance – without the need to exclude U.S.
persons from the surveillance searches.
In 2008, not long after WikiLeaks was formed, the U.S. Army prepared a report that identified the organization as an enemy, and
plotted how it could be destroyed.
The new documents provide a window into how the U.S. and British
governments appear to have shared the view that WikiLeaks represented a
serious threat, and reveal the controversial measures they were willing
to take to combat it.
In a statement to
The Intercept, Assange condemned what he
called “the reckless and unlawful behavior of the National Security
Agency” and GCHQ’s “extensive hostile monitoring of a popular
publisher’s website and its readers.”
“News that the NSA planned these operations at the level of its
Office of the General Counsel is especially troubling,” Assange said.
“Today, we call on the White House to appoint a special prosecutor to
investigate the extent of the NSA’s criminal activity against the media,
including WikiLeaks, its staff, its associates and its supporters.”
Illustrating how far afield the NSA deviates from
its self-proclaimed focus
on terrorism and national security, the documents reveal that the
agency considered using its sweeping surveillance system against Pirate
Bay, which has been accused of facilitating copyright violations. The
agency also approved surveillance of the foreign “branches” of
hacktivist groups, mentioning Anonymous by name.
The documents call into question the Obama administration’s repeated
insistence that U.S. citizens are not being caught up in the sweeping
surveillance dragnet being cast by the NSA. Under the broad rationale
considered by the agency, for example, any communication with a group
designated as a “malicious foreign actor,” such as WikiLeaks and
Anonymous, would be considered fair game for surveillance.
Julian Sanchez, a research fellow at the Cato Institute who
specializes in surveillance issues, says the revelations shed a
disturbing light on the NSA’s willingness to sweep up American citizens
in its surveillance net.
“All the reassurances Americans heard that the broad authorities of
the FISA Amendments Act could only be used to ‘target’ foreigners seem a
bit more hollow,” Sanchez says, “when you realize that the ‘foreign
target’ can be an entire Web site or online forum used by thousands if
not millions of Americans.”
GCHQ Spies on WikiLeaks Visitors
The system used by GCHQ to monitor the WikiLeaks website – codenamed
ANTICRISIS GIRL – is described in a classified PowerPoint presentation
prepared by the British agency and distributed at the 2012 “SIGDEV
Conference.” At the annual gathering, each member of the “Five Eyes”
alliance – the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand – describes the prior year’s surveillance successes and
In a top-secret presentation at the conference
, two GCHQ spies outlined how ANTICRISIS GIRL was used to enable “targeted website monitoring” of WikiLeaks (
See slides 33 and 34).
The agency logged data showing hundreds of users from around the world,
including the United States, as they were visiting a WikiLeaks site
claims by American officials that a deal between the U.K. and the U.S. prevents each country from spying on the other’s citizens.
The IP addresses collected by GCHQ are used to identify individual
computers that connect to the Internet, and can be traced back to
specific people if the IP address has not been masked using an anonymity
service. If WikiLeaks or other news organizations were receiving
submissions from sources through a public dropbox on their website, a
system like ANTICRISIS GIRL could potentially be used to help track them
down. (WikiLeaks has not operated a public dropbox since 2010, when it
shut down its system in part due to security concerns over
In its PowerPoint presentation, GCHQ identifies its target only as “wikileaks.” One slide, displaying analytics
from the surveillance, suggests that the site monitored was the
official domain. It shows that users reached the targeted
site by searching for “” and for “maysan uxo,” a term
associated with a series of leaked Iraq war logs that are hosted on
The ANTICRISIS GIRL initiative was operated by a GCHQ unit called Global Telecoms Exploitation (GTE), which was
previously reported by The Guardian to be linked to the large-scale, clandestine Internet surveillance operation run by GCHQ, codenamed TEMPORA.
Operating in the United Kingdom and from secret British eavesdropping
bases in Cyprus and other countries, GCHQ conducts what it refers to as
“passive” surveillance – indiscriminately intercepting massive amounts
of data from Internet cables, phone networks and satellites. The GTE
unit focuses on developing “pioneering collection capabilities” to
exploit the stream of data gathered from the Internet.
As part of the ANTICRISIS GIRL system, the documents show, GCHQ used publicly available analytics software called
to extract information from its surveillance stream, not only
monitoring visits to targeted websites like WikiLeaks, but tracking the
country of origin of each visitor.
It is unclear from the PowerPoint presentation whether GCHQ monitored
the WikiLeaks site as part of a pilot program designed to demonstrate
its capability, using only a small set of covertly collected data, or
whether the agency continues to actively deploy its surveillance system
to monitor visitors to WikiLeaks. It was
previously reported in The Guardian
that X-KEYSCORE, a comprehensive surveillance weapon used by both NSA
and GCHQ, allows “an analyst to learn the IP addresses of every person
who visits any website the analyst specifies.”
GCHQ refused to comment on whether ANTICRISIS GIRL is still
operational. In an email citing the agency’s boilerplate response to
inquiries, a spokeswoman insisted that “all of GCHQ’s work is carried
out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures
that our activities are authorized, necessary and proportionate, and
that there is rigorous oversight.”
But privacy advocates question such assurances. “How could targeting
an entire website’s user base be necessary or proportionate?” says Gus
Hosein, executive director of the London-based human rights group
Privacy International. “These are innocent people who are turned into
suspects based on their reading habits. Surely becoming a target of a
state’s intelligence and security apparatus should require more than a
mere click on a link.”
The agency’s covert targeting of WikiLeaks, Hosein adds, call into
question the entire legal rationale underpinning the state’s system of
surveillance. “We may be tempted to see GCHQ as a rogue agency,
ungoverned in its use of unprecedented powers generated by new
technologies,” he says. “But GCHQ’s actions are authorized by
[government] ministers. The fact that ministers are ordering the
monitoring of political interests of Internet users shows a systemic
failure in the rule of law.”
Going After Assange and His Supporters
The U.S. attempt to pressure other nations to prosecute Assange is
recounted in a file that the intelligence community calls its
“Manhunting Timeline.” The document details, on a country-by-country
basis, efforts by the U.S. government and its allies to locate,
prosecute, capture or kill alleged terrorists, drug traffickers,
Palestinian leaders and others. There is a timeline for each year from
2008 to 2012.
An entry from August 2010 – headlined “United States, Australia,
Great Britain, Germany, Iceland” – states: “The United States on August
10 urged other nations with forces in Afghanistan, including Australia,
United Kingdom, and Germany, to consider filing criminal charges against
Julian Assange.” It describes Assange as the “founder of the rogue
Wikileaks Internet website and responsible for the unauthorized
publication of over 70,000 classified documents covering the war in
In response to questions from
The Intercept, the NSA suggested that the entry is “a summary derived from a 2010 article” in the
Daily Beast. That article,
which cited an anonymous U.S. official, reported that “the Obama
administration is pressing Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allied
Western governments to consider opening criminal investigations of
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and to severely limit his nomadic
travels across international borders.”
The government entry in the “Manhunting Timeline” adds Iceland to the
list of Western nations that were pressured, and suggests that the push
to prosecute Assange is part of a broader campaign. The effort, it
“exemplifies the start of an international effort to
focus the legal element of national power upon non-state actor Assange,
and the human network that supports WikiLeaks.” The entry does not
specify how broadly the government defines that “human network,” which
could potentially include thousands of volunteers, donors and
journalists, as well as people who simply spoke out in defense of
In a statement, the NSA declined to comment on the documents or its
targeting of activist groups, noting only that the agency “provides
numerous opportunities and forums for their analysts to explore
hypothetical or actual circumstances to gain appropriate advice on the
exercise of their authorities within the Constitution and the law, and
to share that advice appropriately.”
But the entry aimed at WikiLeaks comes from credentialed officials
within the intelligence community. In an interview in Hong Kong last
June, Edward Snowden made clear that the only NSA officials empowered to
write such entries are those “with top-secret clearance and public key
infrastructure certificates” – a kind of digital ID card enabling unique
access to certain parts of the agency’s system. What’s more, Snowden
added, the entries are “peer reviewed” – and every edit made is recorded
by the system.
The U.S. launched its pressure campaign against WikiLeaks less than a
week after the group began publishing the Afghanistan war logs on July
25, 2010. At the time, top U.S. national security officials accused
WikiLeaks of having
“blood” on its hands. But several months later,
McClatchy reported that “U.S. officials concede that they have no evidence to date that the documents led to anyone’s death.”
The government targeting of WikiLeaks nonetheless continued. In April 2011,
Salon reported
that a grand jury in Virginia was actively investigating both the group
and Assange on possible criminal charges under espionage statutes
relating to the publication of classified documents. And in August of
2012, the
Sydney Morning Herald, citing secret Australian diplomatic cables,
that “Australian diplomats have no doubt the United States is still
gunning for Julian Assange” and that “Australia’s diplomatic service
takes seriously the likelihood that Assange will eventually be
extradited to the US on charges arising from WikiLeaks obtaining leaked
US military and diplomatic documents.”
Bringing criminal charges against WikiLeaks or Assange for publishing
classified documents would be highly controversial – especially since
the group partnered with newspapers like
The Guardian and
The New York Times
to make the war logs public. “The biggest challenge to the press today
is the threatened prosecution of WikiLeaks, and it’s absolutely
frightening,” James Goodale, who served as chief counsel of the
Times during its battle to publish The Pentagon Papers,
told the Columbia Journalism Review last March. “If you go after the WikiLeaks criminally, you go after the
Times. That’s the criminalization of the whole process.”
In November 2013,
The Washington Post, citing anonymous officials,
that the Justice Department strongly considered prosecuting Assange,
but concluded it “could not do so without also prosecuting U.S. news
organizations and journalists” who had partnered with WikiLeaks to
publish the documents. According to the
Post, officials “realized that they have what they described as a ‘
New York Times problem’” – namely, that any theory used to bring charges against Assange would also result in criminal liability for the
Times, The Guardian, and other papers which also published secret documents provided to WikiLeaks
NSA proposals to target WikiLeaks
As the new NSA documents make clear, however, the U.S. government did
more than attempt to engineer the prosecution of Assange. NSA analysts
also considered designating WikiLeaks as a “malicious foreign actor” for
surveillance purposes – a move that would have significantly expanded
the agency’s ability to subject the group’s officials and supporters to
extensive surveillance.
Such a designation would allow WikiLeaks to be targeted with
surveillance without the use of “defeats” – an agency term for technical
mechanisms to shield the communications of U.S. persons from getting
caught in the dragnet.
That top-secret document
– which summarizes a discussion between the NSA’s Office of the General
Counsel and the Oversight and Compliance Office of the agency’s Threat
Operations Center – spells out a rationale for including American
citizens in the surveillance:
“If the foreign IP is consistently associated with
malicious cyber activity against the U.S., so, tied to a foreign
individual or organization known to direct malicious activity our way,
then there is no need to defeat any to, from, or about U.S. Persons.
This is based on the description that one end of the communication would
always be this suspect foreign IP, and so therefore any U.S. Person
communicant would be incidental to the foreign intelligence task.”
In short, labeling WikiLeaks a “malicious foreign target” would mean
that anyone communicating with the organization for any reason –
including American citizens – could have their communications subjected
to government surveillance.
When NSA officials are asked in the
document if WikiLeaks or Pirate Bay could be designated as “malicious
foreign actors,” the reply is inconclusive: “Let us get back to you.”
There is no indication of whether either group was ever designated or
targeted in such a way.
The NSA’s lawyers did, however, give the green light to subject other
activists to heightened surveillance. Asked if it would be permissible
to “target the foreign actors of a loosely coupled group of hackers …
such as with Anonymous,” the response is unequivocal: “As long as they
are foreign individuals outside of the US and do not hold dual
citizenship … then you are okay.”
NSA Lawyers: “It’s Nothing to Worry About”
Sanchez, the surveillance expert with the Cato Institute, says the
document serves as “a reminder that NSA essentially has carte blanche to
spy on non-Americans. In public statements, intelligence officials
always talk about spying on ‘terrorists,’ as if those are the only
targets — but Section 702 [of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act] doesn’t say
anything about ‘terrorists.’ They can authorize collection on any
‘persons reasonably believed to be [located] outside the United States,’
with ‘persons’ including pretty much any kind of group not
‘substantially’ composed of Americans.”
Sanchez notes that while it makes sense to subject some full-scale
cyber-attacks to government surveillance, “it would make no sense to
lump together foreign cyberattackers with sites voluntarily visited by
enormous numbers of Americans, like Pirate Bay or WikiLeaks.”
Indeed, one entry in the NSA document expressly authorizes the
targeting of a “malicious” foreign server – offering Pirate Bay as a
specific example –“even if there is a possibility that U.S. persons
could be using it as well.” NSA officials agree that there is no need to
exclude Americans from the surveillance, suggesting only that the
agency’s spies “try to minimize” how many U.S. citizens are caught in
the dragnet.
Another entry even raises the possibility of using X-KEYSCORE, one of
the agency’s most comprehensive surveillance programs, to target
communications between two U.S.-based Internet addresses if they are
operating through a “proxy” being used for “malicious foreign activity.”
In response, the NSA’s Threat Operations Center approves the targeting,
but the agency’s general counsel requests “further clarification before
signing off.”
If WikiLeaks were improperly targeted, or if a U.S. citizen were
swept up in the NSA’s surveillance net without authorization, the
agency’s attitude seems to be one of indifference. According to the
document – which quotes a response by the NSA’s Office of General
Counsel and the oversight and compliance office of its Threat Operations
Center – discovering that an American has been selected for
surveillance must be mentioned in a quarterly report, “but it’s nothing
to worry about.”

The attempt to target WikiLeaks and its broad network of supporters
drew sharp criticism from the group and its allies. “These documents
demonstrate that the political persecution of WikiLeaks is very much
alive,” says Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish former judge who now
represents the group. “The paradox is that Julian Assange and the
WikiLeaks organization are being treated as a threat instead of what
they are: a journalist and a media organization that are exercising
their fundamental right to receive and impart information in its
original form, free from omission and censorship, free from partisan
interests, free from economic or political pressure.”
For his part, Assange remains defiant. “The NSA and its U.K. accomplices show no respect for the rule of law,” he told
The Intercept. “But there is a cost to conducting illicit actions against a media organization.” Referring to a
criminal complaint
that the group filed last year against “interference with our
journalistic work in Europe,” Assange warned that “no entity, including
the NSA, should be permitted to act against a journalist with impunity.”
Assange indicated that in light of the new documents, the group may take further legal action.
“We have instructed our general counsel, Judge Baltasar Garzón
, to
prepare the appropriate response,” he said. “The investigations into
attempts to interfere with WikiLeaks’ work will go wherever they need to
go. Make no mistake: those responsible will be held to account and
brought to justice.”