Thursday 7 March 2013

This leads to one question who is next?

 You dont have to wait till you are a victim you can prevent this hack attacks.

This reminds me of a major cyber attack that took place in Ghana before the incident they have been warned times without number, but unfortunately after over 8 months some groups struck the  site and hacked them leading to loss over $50,000 dollars.

Recently a well known ISP provider  Nigeria had a vulnerability in their web application. I sent a mail stating their vulnerability but till date nothing has been done so far. The worst aspect is alot of online transaction which takes place on this application . So if they haven't checked their web application using the Top Ten Vulnerabilities then they should not use online payment in the first place. If some groups get hold of this website dump the customer details and Payment info: like credit cards of customers. The problem is they may not notice that for a long time.

My advice to anyone having a website is to try to secure the website, even if you dont do online transaction on it, your site could be used to do other malicious activities if you are careless with the security.

For those who dont know the technical know how on implementing security you can contact Information security professional in your location feel free to contact me for further information.

There are ways in which you can guard your website, by placing an alert this will notify you when something malicious is going. But before that could be implemented one has to be sure the application is tested and secure. Cause there is no point in having a security man at the gate when there are holes in the fences which the thief could enter from rather than using the main gate.


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