Thursday 27 June 2013

Social media dangers: Behead Those Who Disrespect Our Prophet

We were looking around on Facebook and one of the pages that struck our eyes was the "Behead Those Who Disrespect Our Prophet P.B.U.H" page on Facebook. These kind of pages are doing nothing else than cause misery and pain to the religion they are trying to "represent" via the internet.
The readers; the members of these pages are people that have nothing else in mind than bring chaos in the world of religion. Because it is not believe that they are trying to teach - it is the religion they are bringing forward.
These kind of pages are the targets of Jihad recruiters that are trying to train armies to support their goals.

The page already has 222 likes and it keeps rising as people are starting to share the pictures that are posted on the Facebook page. The discussions that are being started there can be seen all over the internet - it looks like people don't seem to understand that discussions about religion on the internet will always result in a internet fight - sometimes it escalates to your front door.

Protesting can be done in peaceful ways - also when you are angered by someone that is disrespecting you or your believes.
You don't kill someone because the person decided not to respect your believes.

The Facebook page has this picture as their "Logo" but why did they choose to name their page "Behead Those Who Disrespect Our Prophet  P.B.U.H." then? It is not a message that you send out when you are protesting.

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